40th AGM - 2016

Dear STS Members

Notice is hereby given under Section 13 of the constitution that the 40th Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) will beheld at 1000 Hrs on Saturday 23rd July 2016 at the Auditorium, Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA),No 1, Beatty Road, Singapore 209943.


  1. To confirm the minutes of the 39th AGM held on 28th June 2015 at Andhra Curry, Level 2, Function Hall, 41, Kerbau Road,Singapore -210170
  2. To receive/approve the Income/Expenditure Account for the year ending 31st March 2016.
  3. Annual Report by President.
  4. To elect two new honorary auditors for one year term 2016-2017.
  5. Any Other Matters. 

Members are requested to note that:

  • Membership can be renewed at the AGM. Non-members are not allowed.
  • Please notify Singapore Telugu Samajam via email if change of postal address, including contact number and Email ids so that we can update our database.
  • Samajam’s constitution is available by clicking this link 

Following documents can be viewed/downloaded by clicking respective documents

  1. 40th AGM Notice
  2. 39th Annual General Meeting Minutes
  3. 40th AGM Income & Expenditure